Tuesday 5 November 2013

How to Care for Baby Guinea Pigs

Here is a step by step guide for caring for baby guinea pigs.


  1. 1
    Have suitable accommodation for your baby guinea pigs. Baby guinea pigs are likely to be very small when you get them, but they will get bigger. So, you need a cage of at least 10 square feet for two guinea pigs (and you should have two of the same sex or spayed/neutered as they are social animals). Babies often benefit from being paired with a gentle adult guinea pig.
  2. 2
    Baby proof the cage by making the coroplast sides too tall for the baby to get over, and if necessary, making a lid.
  3. 3
    Have a guinea pig savvy exotics veterinarian lined up before you even adopt them. http://www.guinealynx.info/vetlist.html and http://www.aracnet.com/cgi-usr/seagull/vetfinder.cgi are lists that can help you find one.
  4. 4
    You will need alfalfa based pellets for a growing guinea pig under 6 months of age. Kleenmama's Hayloft and Oxbow both carry pellets appropriate for guinea pigs.
  5. 5
    Guinea pigs need plenty of fresh, preferably organic vegetables in their diet.Green leaf lettuce, curly endive, escarole, red leaf lettuce, cilantro, and parsley are all good options for growing baby guinea pigs, and all except the parsley are good for adults as well.
  6. 6
    Giving apple twigs and unlimited grass hay to your guinea pigs will help keep their teeth from getting too long.
  7. 7
    Provide plenty of water. Like other animals, guinea pigs need plenty of water available to them 24/7. A water bottle is better than a water bowl as it keeps the water cleaner.
  8. 8
    Hay should be available to your baby guinea pigs all the time. In the wild guinea pigs would be grazing all the time, so it is important that your baby guinea pigs are given enough hay.
  9. 9
    Make sure you have a fully enclosed run or playpen so your guinea pigs get plenty of exercise. This is important to keep your baby guinea pigs in good condition. Also baby guinea pigs love to run around.
  10. 10
    Handle your baby guinea pigs regularly. This way they will get used to you quickly.
  11. 11
    Check your guinea pig's health everyday. Weigh them weekly with a digital kitchen scale. Guinea pigs are very good at hiding any symptoms as this is what they'd do in the wild to avoid predators thinking they're easy targets. The sooner you spot any problem with your guinea pig the better your guinea pig's chance of recovery is.
  12. 12
    Clean the cage out at least once a week. It is important that your baby guinea pigs don't live in a dirty environment.

  • Do not let your guinea pigs eat too long outside, as their stomachs can get hurt because there are poisonous weeds in the grass.
  • If you take them outside you need to watch them.
  • Before taking them on the grass, make sure it is not sprayed with pesticides , as this is poisonous to guinea pigs.
  • Baby guinea pigs are naturally very shy and wary of humans. Be patient. Don't expect to be able to cuddle and stroke them straight away. You have to build up a bond of trust first.
  • If you are buying guinea pigs as babies then be sure not to take those under six weeks of age as at this age they wouldn't be independent enough to move away.
  • Don't house a guinea pig and rabbit together as the rabbit is likely to show dominating behavior and can kill a baby or even adult guinea pig just by playing or regular interaction with them.
  • Guinea Pigs will hide signs of illness, so if you think your guinea pig may be ill, seek a vet's advice immediately.

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